The Importance of Your Vote and How Kathy Cheng is Spearheading Positive Change

Being informed and engaged is essential in safeguarding democracy and ensuring the future we desire. As Kathy Cheng campaigns to bring about change, aligning with her vision can foster a future resonating with our shared values. Major endorsements are already acknowledging her leadership qualities, signaling a promising political journey ahead.


Understanding Key Voting Dates

Crucial to participating in our democracy are the key dates voters need to remember. Specific timelines have been set for different electoral processes.

Apply for Ballot by Mail:

From January 1, 2020, to February 21, 2020, you have the opportunity to apply for a ballot by mail. This option provides convenience for those unable to visit polling stations on Election Day.

Last Day to Register to Vote:

It’s important not to miss the voter registration deadline, which is February 3, 2020. Registering by this date ensures you can cast your vote in the upcoming election.

Early Voting:

There’s an option to vote early for those who prefer to avoid the rush. This period runs from February 18, 2020, through February 28, 2020.

Primary Election Day:

The culmination of these processes is the Primary Election Day, slated for March 3, 2020. This is your chance to exercise your civic duty and make your voice count.

Investing in Our Future Through Sound Leadership

Our future hinges significantly upon who we elect into office – their values, goals, and the strategic approach they adopt. Standing alongside Kathy Cheng means investing in a future driven by unity, diversity, and progression.

Show of Strength: Endorsements for Kathy Cheng

Endorsements are powerful indicators of a candidate’s potential, demonstrating confidence in their leadership and approach to public service. Kathy Cheng’s campaign has attracted a weighty list of endorsements, painting a picture of the respect and faith she commands from a diverse demographic.

Elected Officials:

  • Rep. Alma A. Allen (District 131)
  • Rep. Ron Reynolds (District 27)
  • Rep. Gene Wu (District 137)

These respected Representatives express trust in Kathy Cheng’s vision for the community, strengthening her campaign’s legitimacy.

Democratic Party Affiliations:

  • Bexar County Tejano Democrats
  • University Democrats
  • State Tejano Democrats
  • North East Bexar County Democrats

Support from these official affiliations is a clear testament to Kathy Cheng’s Democratic ethos and credibility.

Community Organizations:

  • Asian American Democratic Club
  • Stonewall Democrats of Austin
  • Capital Area Progressive Democrats
  • Fort Bend Young Dems

An endorsement by these groups represents the community’s voice in vouching for Kathy Cheng’s commitment to representation and progress.

In closing, as a voter, you contribute to shaping your community’s future. It’s paramount to understand voting dates and regulations, evaluate the plans put forward by candidates, and make an informed choice. Kathy Cheng’s campaign, backed by substantial endorsements, is poised to catalyze a future marked by progress and inclusivity.

Here’s to making every vote count and investing in a promising future!

Political advertising paid for by the Kathy Cheng Campaign, Michelle Huang, Treasurer, in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.